Fuel for the Soul

Since 2005, artist David Uhl has created a special piece for the Sturgis rally each year. This piece features David’s better half, Elizabeth, who has been the subject in a few other pieces throughout the years. For our new collectors, these Sturgis commemorative pieces are a great way to get into David’s work.

Framed with a commemorative plaque for Sturgis, each print comes with a Certificate of Authenticity.

Edition Size
Image Size (W x H)
Opening Price (2017)
Current/Final Studio Sale*
Regular canvas: 113, 10 AP, 10 HC, 3 APP
26.5″ x 20″
$3,850-SOLD OUT
Large canvas: 22, 5 AP, 2 HC, 3 APP
40″ x 30″
$4,250-SOLD OUT
Prices are subject to change based on aftermarket availability.
To reserve your print please contact Greg Rhodes at: 303-913-4840 or greg@uhlstudios.com
Keywords : Motorcycle art, Sturgis art

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* Final Studio Sale reflects the price of the final piece sold in the edition. Once sold out, market conditions determine future prices on the secondary market.