Cotton Club Puzzle

Individually Hand-signed by David Uhl

Each puzzle has David’s unique signature, signed in gold metallic ink, ensuring that each puzzle is one of a kind.

This edition is limited.

In David’s words, ” I flew to this small town in Indiana and signed a few before they were cut up into a jigsaw pattern. Each signature is unique and purposely an integral part of making the puzzle a little more difficult to decipher (it’s not shown on the cover!)”

Uhl Studios Puzzles by Sunsout ©.   Made In The USA by an environmentally conscious company that uses soy-based ink and recycled board!   Based on some select pieces of David’s paintings,  they are a variety of subjects to suit everyone’s tastes and budget. 


Image Size (W x H)
Paper Type
Current Price
20″ x 27″ 1000 pieces
Cardboard Puzzle Stock

Note: orders cannot be processed online for shipping outside of the contiguous 48 states. If you’d like to place an order to ship somewhere other than the U.S. lower 48, please contact us. 303-993-3322

Purchase Print



* Final Studio Sale reflects the price of the final piece sold in the edition. Once sold out, market conditions determine future prices on the secondary market.